We all are scared, if it was easy everyone would do it!

Bryce Purnell
10 min readSep 28, 2022


We all are scared, if it was easy everyone would do it!

We all know that feeling of dread before giving a presentation. Our palms start to sweat, our heart races, and we feel like we might vomit. It’s normal to feel this way — after all, public speaking is one of the most common fears! However, there are ways to build your confidence so that you can give killer presentations every time. Check out this article to find out how!

The definition of confidence

Confidence is not something that you’re born with or something that you can buy. It’s something that you develop from within. Confidence is the feeling or belief that you can rely on someone or something; certainty.

Why are we scared?

Fear is a reaction to danger. It’s an emotion that’s designed to protect us from harm. But sometimes, fear can hold us back from doing things we really want to do. There are lots of things that can cause us to feel scared. It might be something we’re worried about happening in the future, or it could be a memory of something that was traumatic for us in the past. Sometimes, we might even be afraid of things that are completely irrational.

Fear is a normal and healthy emotion. But if it’s preventing us from living our lives the way we want to, then it’s time to take action.

There are lots of different ways to overcome fear. It might involve facing our fears head-on, or it could be a matter of changing the way we think about them. Sometimes, all it takes is a little bit of time and practice.

How can we overcome our fears?

The first step is to identify what it is that we’re afraid of. Once we know what our fears are, we can start to work on overcoming them. There are many ways to do this, but some popular methods include exposure therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, and hypnosis.

What are the benefits of confidence?

When we’re confident, we’re more likely to take risks and try new things. We’re also more likely to be successful in achieving our goals. Confidence can lead to a more positive outlook on life and improved mental and physical health.

The difference between confidence and cockiness

When it comes to confidence, there is a fine line between being confident and being cocky. Confidence is key in many aspects of life, whether it be in your personal or professional life. However, too much confidence can often come across as arrogant or cocky. So how do you know if you’re being confident or cocky?

One way to tell the difference is by looking at your body language. Are you carrying yourself with your head held high and a smile on your face? Or are you slouching with your arms crossed and a look of disdain on your face? Another way to tell the difference is how you interact with others. Do you engage in conversations and listen to what others have to say? Or do you talk over others and only care about getting your point across?

Being confident is about being comfortable in your own skin and knowing your worth. It’s about being able to put yourself out there without fear of judgement or failure. On the other hand, cockiness is often born out of insecurity and a need for validation from others. Cocky people are often those who feel the need to put others down in order to make themselves feel better.

Why speaking confidence comes from within

We all have that one thing that we’re afraid of. For some, it’s public speaking. The thought of getting up in front of a group of people and having to talk can be absolutely terrifying. And it’s not just public speaking. We all have fears and doubts that can hold us back from doing the things we want to do in life.

But what if I told you that the key to overcoming your fears is within you? That’s right, the key to speaking with confidence comes from within.

Think about it this way. When you’re afraid of something, your mind is focused on all the negative outcomes that could happen. You’re thinking about what could go wrong and all the ways that you could fail. But what if you instead focused on what could go right? What if you thought about all the ways that you could succeed?

It may seem like a small shift, but it makes a big difference. When you focus on the positive, your mind becomes open to possibilities and opportunities. You become more confident because you believe in yourself and your abilities.

How to build confidence

No one is born confident. It’s something that we have to learn and practice. Just like any skill, confidence takes time to develop. The good news is that there are things you can do to become more confident.

One way to build confidence is to fake it until you make it. That means acting confident even when you don’t feel it. Over time, as you act more confident, you will start to feel more confident.

Another way to build confidence is to set small goals and accomplish them. This will help you see that you are capable of achieving things and that will boost your confidence.

Finally, remember that confidence comes from within. It’s not about what other people think of you. It’s about how you feel about yourself. So focus on improving your own opinion of yourself and your confidence will grow.

The benefits of being confident

When it comes to public speaking, the old adage is true: fake it ’til you make it. In other words, confidence comes from within. We are often our own worst critics and can be our own biggest roadblocks when it comes to speaking with confidence.

The first step to gaining confidence is acknowledging that we are scared. It’s okay to be scared! Everyone gets nervous before a big presentation or speech. The key is to not let the nerves get the best of us.

Once we accept that we are scared, we can begin to work on building our confidence. One way to do this is to Visualize success. Picture yourself giving a great presentation or nailing that speech. Envision the audience applauding and congratulating you afterwards. This positive visualization will help increase your confidence going into the real thing.

Practicing is also crucial for building confidence. The more we do something, the more comfortable and confident we become with it. So don’t be afraid to practice your presentation or speech several times before delivering it for real. You can even practice in front of friends or family to get some constructive feedback and help boost your confidence even more.

Why are we scared to speak?

The answer is simple: we’re scared because we don’t want to look foolish. We’re afraid of being judged, of making a mistake, and of looking stupid in front of others.

This fear can be paralyzing, and it can prevent us from ever developing the confidence to speak up and be heard. But it doesn’t have to be this way.

There are things we can do to overcome our fears and develop the confidence to speak up with confidence. Here are a few tips:

1. Understand why you’re afraid. What is it about speaking that scares you? Once you identify your specific fears, you can start to address them head-on.

2. Practice, practice, practice. The more you put yourself in situations where you have to speak up, the easier it will become. And don’t worry about making mistakes — everyone does it! Just keep practicing and learning from your experiences.

3. Visualize success. See yourself as a confident speaker who is respected and admired by others. Believe in yourself and your ability to succeed, and it will become a reality.

4. Seek out supportive people. Find friends, family members, or colleagues who will encourage and support you as you work to overcome your fears. These people will help you stay motivated and focused on your goals.

5. Take baby steps. Confidence is built over time, so don’t expect to overcome your fears overnight. Start with small steps, and gradually work your way up to more challenging situations.

By following these tips, you can start to overcome your fear of speaking and develop the confidence to be heard.

Overcoming the fear of speaking

When it comes to public speaking, the number one fear is usually the fear of being judged. We worry that we’ll say something wrong, or that people will think we’re idiots. But the truth is, everyone is afraid of public speaking to some extent. The key is to not let your fear take over. Here are some tips for overcoming the fear of speaking in public:

1. Acknowledge your fear. Don’t try to ignore it or pretend it doesn’t exist. Recognize that you’re scared and that’s okay.

2. Understand why you’re afraid. What is it about public speaking that scares you? Is it the possibility of making a mistake? The fear of being judged? Once you understand what your specific fears are, you can start to work on overcoming them.

3. Visualize yourself succeeding. See yourself giving a great speech or presentation and imagine how good it will feel afterward. This can help boost your confidence and ease your anxiety.

4. Practice, practice, practice. The more you do it, the less scary it will become. Start by practicing in front of a mirror or family and friends, then gradually work up to larger audiences.

5. Do not let fear hold you back because self doubt kills dreams. Since I was a young child I have believed in myself more than others it does not mean you are cockie. It means you are confident within yourself in what you are doing. In sports, business or your beliefs you should always move forward with your beliefs on your chest. You are who you are and when you decide to change this you lose.

6. Focus on your audience. Instead of worrying about what other people are thinking, focus on your audience and what you want to say to them. This will help you connect with them and deliver a more effective message.

7. Take deep breaths. Deep breathing can help you relax and calm your nerves before speaking.

8. Be prepared. The more prepared you are, the less likely you are to make a mistake or feel nervous. Make sure you know your material inside and out so you can focus on delivering it well. If you fail to prepare you planning to fail!

9. Focus on the positive. Don’t dwell on the possibility of things going wrong. Think about all the things that could go right instead.

10. Remember that everyone is human. We all make mistakes and no one is perfect. As long as you try your best, that’s all that matters. We all make mistakes and no one is perfect. “Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice.”

The benefits of speaking with confidence

When we speak with confidence, it not only benefits us personally, but also those around us. Here are some reasons why speaking with confidence is important:

1. It shows that we believe in ourselves.

When we have confidence in our abilities, it shines through in everything we do — including our speech. This sends a strong message to others that we are competent and capable, which can be inspiring and motivating.

2. It makes us more persuasive.

People are more likely to be persuaded by someone who appears confident and sure of themselves. This is because we tend to trust those who come across as being knowledgeable and in control. So if you want to win people over, start by speaking with confidence!

3. It boosts our mood and self-esteem.

Simply put, feeling good about ourselves makes us happy. And when we’re happy, we’re more likely to project that positive energy outwards. So next time you’re feeling down, try faking it till you make it — the act of speaking with confidence can actually help improve your mood and increase your self-esteem in the long run.

4. Sell something you believe in. I think this is the most important one of them all. You can’t sell something you don’t believe in. You need to speak with confidence because if you don’t it will be very difficult to sell your product.

How to build confidence when speaking

Are you afraid of speaking in front of others? Do you get nervous when you have to give a presentation or lead a meeting? If so, you’re not alone. Many people feel scared or anxious when they have to speak in front of a group.

But there’s good news: confidence comes from within. You can build it by preparing for your speeches and presentations, and by practicing your delivery.

With time and practice, you’ll start to feel more confident when speaking in front of others.

1. Prepare for your speeches and presentations.

The more prepared you are, the less nervous you’ll feel. So take the time to research your topic, write out your speech or presentation, and practice delivering it. The more familiar you are with your material, the more confident you’ll feel when it’s time to speak.

2. Practice your delivery.

In addition to preparing your material, it’s also important to practice how you’ll deliver it. This means rehearsing your speech or presentation out loud, preferably in front of others. This will help you get used to speaking in front of an audience and will help build your


In conclusion, I believe that speaking confidence comes from within because we are scared. We may not always feel confident when we stand up to speak in front of others, but if we can remember that everyone is rooting for us and that we have something valuable to say, it will help us push through the fear and deliver a great speech.

Originally published at https://www.linkedin.com.



Bryce Purnell
Bryce Purnell

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